
Catherine Creek Community Center operated by the Friends of the Historic Union Community Hall a 501 (c) 3. The six member Board of Directors purchased the building with the support of the community in February 2021 and held an open house on April 23rd, 2021.

The mission of the Friends of the Historic Union Community Hall is:

To bring local community members together by providing a venue that supports local charitable efforts, connects local citizens and provides opportunities for participation in activities that celebrate the history of the area as well as the local community.  Our ultimate goals are to contribute to the revitalization of the Union community, preserving the legacy of the Catherine Creek Community Center as well as promoting social, economic and cultural development for the local area.  Our focus areas are food security, education, community health and the arts.

The Catherine Creek Community Center is a historic building located at 667 N Main Street in Union Oregon. the building, formerly called the Union United Methodist Church has a long and vibrant presence in the Community